התקנת עמדה מקומית לסידור רכב בשימוש עם ארון מפתחות חכם Installation procedures for Vhisc on a local machine, to work with a Morse key cabinet

Comments regarding this article

  1. This manual is intended chiefly for KW3 ILL systems, which most of our customers own. Some of you may be having other (older or different) systems, in those cases pay attention to instructions regarding other versions, and consult a Effect Systems representative. Thanks!

System requirements

  1. PC
  2. XP (if you're using Win7 or Vista etc, see this fork)
  3. SERIAL cable for connection between PC and KeyCabinet
  4. Internet connection

A. Setting up computer to work with key cabinet:

  1. Download and install PERL from the following link: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads (activate the file after the download to install it) or download from oursite v 5.10
Option1:  Installing Perl modules:
  1. ppm install http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/Win32-SerialPort.ppd
  2. ppm install http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/Win32-API.ppd
Option2: Installing perl modules the old way: 
  1. Install Win32-API package: run the following command using the command prompt: "ppm install Win32-API" (downloads and installs)
  2. Download and extract PERL SerialPort modules to a temporary directory:
    1. Go to the command prompt and change to the temporary directory the files were extracted to.
    2. Run the following commands:
    3. perl Makefile.PL
    4. perl install.pl
Next steps:
  1. Download and extract: https://www.effect-systems.com/support/keypro/cars.zip (or cars2.zip if you cabinet is KW2! or carsSimple if you're using simple cabinet*1) to c:\
  2. Validate that the extracted files sit in c:\cars (and not in c:\cars\cars for example).
  3. (Close all command prompt windows before) Run c:\cars\cars.bat (This tells the station to activate apache and station scripts on boot)
    Check in running processes that APACHE runs.
  4. connect the comm port cable.

B. (optional) Install Keypro for database storage options

  1. use the provided CD that came with the cabinet
  2. Install KeyPro3. The installation supports Hebrew if your OS is of this kind.
  3. Activate keypro for the first time, you'll be asked to setup your preferences. (images1-4)
  4. later (automatically) you'll be asked to setup a keywatcher (cabinet):
  5. Choose a name for your station and fill the correct serial number of the cabinet by using the keypad>Main menu>Utilities>Identify (6 digit number).
  6. Choose mean of connection, this guide is suitable only for connecting between the station and the cabinet via the serial port (comm port). select comm port #1.
  7. Set up manager user for administrative purposes of keypro (It can be also used for the Sidur or Migvan (see additional details below, section D))

C. (optional) Set database of keys

  1. Add keys to the database:
    • in the cabinet's keypad choose "main menu">Databse>Add>add key.
    • open the cabinet's door, insert new keys, and close the door.
    • Synchronize by opening keypro program>databse>import databse or synchronize. (images 5)
    • *Synchronization is used to store the data the cabinet holds, in the local station computer for backup usages.

  2. Add cars to Sadran Program (link for additional info.) Make sure to assign each car with its correspondent key ID.

D. (only for new cabinet) Set up users with suitable clearance to allow the Sidur program have access to the cabinet

  1. Use the default level1 user that came with the cabinet (0000 or 000), to add another user for yourself (Preferably 0100, choose your own pin). Administrator of the cabinet should be a level1 user, no one-time code, yes emergency release. Remember the new administrator code and pin (0100, XXXX), this will be your code to access the management of the cabinet.
  2. Change the password of the Admin user that came with the cabinet (0000), in order to allow the Sidur program release locations: use the keypad and change its password (pin) to one that matches the top user password of the Sidur program (Ask the Sidur users database administrator (Effect Systems's worker)). We prefer you wouldn't remember this (0000 user) password any more. From now on, use the password you chose for yourself in section D1.
  3. (Ask Effect Systems's workers to assist in this task-) Add another level1 user to the cabinet, in order to allow the Effect admin enter the cabinet: use the keypad and set up a user with ID 0999, and PIN (the four digit number we use accordinglyדהיב-this is no mistake, its a code).

E. Tell the browser to operate as a cabinet station

  1. (deprecated)download and extract Reload files to c:\cars.
  2. (deprecated)Make changes to local_reload.htm so it will point to the correct client URL ID
  3. make changes to kwpc-vars.pl to suit the correct url domain (usually "www.sadran.net")

  1. Configure a non-privileged user account that will come up on startup automatically ( xp Link win7 link)
  2. using the sidur (non-privileged) account, Go to the Sidur website as administrator.
  3. Go to "Prefs">"Login Options">"Kiosk Settings"
  4. Apply "Kiosk"
  5. Apply "keyWatcher cabinet"

If you are using "Smart button" login option, this should be attached with the keyboard, without any special drivers etc.

F. Make IE open in full screen

  1. Set BIOS settings so that in case of electricity failure system will power up automatically.
  2. Set IE to open popups in a new window, instead of new tab
  3. set IE History setting so that it will always reload the page it is viewing (instead o f "auto").
  4. Make the local_reload.htm file your default Home page in IE
  5. Create the following shortcut: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -k (or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -kiosk http://sadran3.migvan.co.il/cgi-bin/cars-enter.pl?ID=hatzor)
  6. Place shortcut in the startup directory

G. Known important issues and bugs tackle

  1. After every use of Keypro application, you must restart the station, KP execution locks the comm port.
  2. After every cache delete of the browser, you have to tell the station that it's managing the cabinet again (see section E).
  3. Make sure the Sidur admin password (usually 0000 cabinet user) is the same as it is defined at the cabinet (Section D1).
  4. Make sure the apache files are located directly at c:/cars otherwise it's not going to work!..(section A)
  5. Check with TaskManager that Apache is running. Usually Apache won't work in some Windows OS (Vista etc) without special arrangements.
  6. Check that port 80 is cleared for Apache. TeamViewer and other connectivity programs might "catch" it.

  1. If your system has only one box, you should set the key return method to Manual Box Selection (main>setup>key return method>manual box selection).
  2. It may occur that the cabinet is programmed to wait only a few seconds for the key to be returned. If it happens that the person is returning the key too late, the Sidur software doesn't mark the (eventually) returned key as present. If these kind of phenomenons occur, set the "Key return time" (and "door wait for close time") to be 60 sec. (Main menu>Setup>Time adj.>Door wait for close time/key return time).

  1. Sometimes an AntiVirus software installed in the station may block Visc(Sadran) software.


  1. * If you're using the simple cabinet, you don't need all the keypro stuff, plus, your sadran URL should be on the sadran3 site. Also, on the generaloptions table KW=2;
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